"Hold on Salarian, what do you mean 'you don't have all the data'? I thought you copied it all when you and Shepard went to Tuchanka to save your student, or protege, or whatever he was!" Growled Wrex, pacing the medbay, glaring at Mordin.
"Thought so at the time, unknown to me, there was another experimentation chamber across the complex." Mordin explained. "Current data indicates that that chamber contains data we need, otherwise it'll take longer then expected to do it from scratch."
"How long?" Wrex questioned, rubbing his chin.
"2 or 3 months, give or take." Mordin shrugged.
"You must really want me to hate you, Salarian." Wrex threatened, staring Mordin down at point blank range.
"On the contrary, not so good at hand to hand combat with Krogan, if I had combine harvester, sure, but since I don't, someone needs to collect the data."
The door to the med bay opened up, followed by a loud burp and some stretching groans. Wrex turned, it was Grunt, who had recovered from Aralahk Company's confrontation's with the Rachni. Wrex nodded in acknowledgement, as well as Mordin.
"Greetings, Grunt, I see you recovered quickly from that scrap." Mordin greeted him.
"Recovering implies I got hurt, I didn't. What's all this yelling, you finally had enough of Mordin?" Grunt semi-joked.
"Almost, turns out we are missing a key component of the data Shepard and his crew recovered from Tuchanka regarding the genophage." Wrex said, turning away and walking to the other wide of the lab, then back as he spoke. "We need to go get it."
"I remember, we went there after I became Urdnot Grunt. Or have you forgot already, old man?" Grunt laughed, slapping Wrex on the shoulder.
"Very funny, since you've been there before, I'm sure you'll have no problem escorting me and Shepard down there then!" Smirked a coy Wrex.
"I'm afraid that isn't possible at this time," rang out EDI, "Shepard is out attending to an old Krogan heavy cannon compound that Cerberus took over. It is important to fortifying Tuchanka from heavy cruiser impingement, so he won't return for...."
"I get it, Shepard isn't here. Well... We need that data, without it, the genophage won't be cured in time, so I am sure he won't mind if we take the Mako and a crew member to go fetch it. What about Liara? I sure wouldn't mind looking at that nice piece of Asari mea..."
"Dr. T'soni is out with Commander Shepard on his mission." EDI cut him off.
"What about that Quarian, Tolly? Taily? Telly Zorro?"
"Admiral Tali Z'orah has returned to the Quarian fleet for the time being."
"Then that just leaves...." Wrex groaned.
"The blue turian!" Wrex exclamated, pounding his fist into his other open hand. "Just like old times!"
"Good, you two should go, want to get this cure synthesized as quickly as possible, Reapers decimating the universe and all that." Mordin stated, returning to his work.
Wrex and Grunt went to the main battery and begrudgingly collected Garrus, who just as begrudgingly went. Something about being in the middle of calibrations. They then went to the docking bay.
"Human! We need to use the Mako for a while." Wrex ordered Steve Cortez.
"Like you borrowed the Kodiak on Sur'kesh? No way, Shepard would have my head if..." Steve pled his case to Wrex.
"Either Shepard takes your head, or I do, the difference being I'll wear it on my shoulder guard."
"Well... okay... since you put it that way."
They landed on Tuchanka and sped towards the hospital, which fortunately wasn't too far away. When they came across it, they noticed a few red tomkah's pulled up around the front. Red tomkah's, white skull marking. Blood Pack.
"Ah Hell, there wasn't supposed to be any resistance here. Damn it." Garrus observed, always worrying about planning strategies.
"What's wrong, Turian? Afraid you'll muss that pretty face of yours up again?" Grunt teased with a low, growling laugh.
"No, but we are outnumbered, it wouldn't be a good idea to take them on in a straight fight." Garrus replied.
"Awww, I'm sorry you're so scared. Tell you what, we'll do it the diplomatic way then!" Wrex grinned.
"D-Diplomatic way?" Garrus gulped.
"I hate diplomacy." Grunt complained.
Wrex kicked open the door to the Mako and kicked Garrus out, pouncing on him and forcing him onto his belly.
"Hey, what are you...?!" Garrus struggled in vain, as Wrex already had his hands wrenched up behind his back. Without warning, Wrex led Garrus to the entrance to the hospital, along with Grunt. "Where are we going? Are you crazy?!"
"My brothers, my loyal second, Grunt, and I caught this Turian snooping around just beyond that wall of rubble!" Wrex shoved Garrus forward, who promptly fell to his hands and knees in front of the 4 Blood Pack guards. "Apparently Turians still don't understand this is OUR planet!" Wrex boasts, though it was becoming clear Grunt was anxious, having a staunchly homicidal whirlwind of death style of battle, he was a firm believer that tricks are for weaklings. But Wrex IS the clan leader...
"Boss, we got a live one here!..." A guard said looking over his shoulder. And out of the shadows came a large figure, big even for a Krogan, the only one not wearing a helmet, showing his piercing green eyes.
"Well well well, what do we have here, I... Wrex? Wrex, you son of a varren, is that you?!" The large figure threw his arms out, stepping over Garrus, giving a manly hug to Wrex, who promptly hugged back.
"Satera? How long has it been, 45, 50 years now?" Wrex thumped the boss's chest with both his fists.
"Wrex! You old geezer! It's been too long. You still owe me 5,000 credits, by the way."Satera laughed.
"You two know each other?" Grunted asked, titled head.
"Used to run with each other, back when I did freelance merc work, saved his hide more times then I care to remember, but besides all of that inability, no one is better with a Claymore." Wrex prodded.
"Whatever you say, you old fart. So, what do you have here? A turian? Male? Figures, we never catch any females." Satera kneeled down, lifting Garrus' chin to look him in the eyes. "Looks healthy enough, seen battle too, not like most Turians I see, boasting about battle, yet most of them never have a single scar, either that or they die before they can even get one, either way is a shame." He stands, placing his hands on his hips. "I'm glad you dropped by Wrex, we are just scavenging this hospital, nothing much here. We know this is Urdnot turf and if we were part of a clan, we'd give a shit, but we'll be on our way soon enough. While you wait though, maybe you'd like to partake in a ritual of ours?"
"What kind of ritual?" Wrex asked, crossing his arms.
"Oh, I forgot, you're a bit old, you might not know how things work nowadays. Well, if we capture a live Turian, we do a bit of a psyche-out ritual. We, how should I put this... stuff all of their holes full of Krogan cock. We record it, then we send it all over the extranet! Gotta love technology, hahahaha!"
Garrus perked right up. "Wait, what?!" He tried to stand, but felt a massive foot on his back, pressing him into the dirt. "No, please! Don't let them do that to me!"
"Sure, take him inside, we'll be right there!" Wrex agreed, nodding and walking about 15 feet from the door with Grunt. "From this door, where is the room we need to get to?"
"Down the hall and to the left. But are we really going to do this? I thought he was, you know, kind've, sort've, an... associate?" Grunt raised an eyebrow.
"He is, but we need to infiltrate this place. He wanted to be diplomatic, so we are being diplomatic. Besides, we will be the ones doing it, if we let them do it while we sneak off and get the data, by the time we come back, there won't be anything left. We'll be 'gentle'. We have to gain their trust for this to work."
"You guys coming?" Satera called out.
They promptly walked inside to Garrus, who was on the floor, surrounded by guards. Wrex could see Garrus pleading through his eyes not to do it. But like Wrex said, they'll be "gentle". They approached Garrus...
"Damn Satera, I thought you were just bullshitting when you told me Turians have the strongest assholes! He's practically strangling me!" Laughed Wrex as he plowed Garrus' black Turian ass. To him, nothing beats the feeling of going on the way to the hilt in some prime asshole, especially if the hole belongs to a guy, allowing for some awesome nut stacking, or what they call giving a Turian a "quad". Part of him hoped that Garrus could forgive this vicious ass stabbing, the other part, the Krogan part, didn't care.
"What about you, pup? How's his mouth treating you?" Satera asked.
"It's hot, and his tongue keeps rubbing my cleft. I guess Turian's give great head whether they like to or not, haha!" Grunt boasted, forcing his pure Krogan dick as far as he could down his brother-in-arm's throat. Garrus was slobbering all over himself by then, his chin was drenched in his saliva, making him look like a mess. As Grunt's nuts came to a rest on his chin, Garrus began sputtering.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there pup! When they start doing that, it mean's they are about to puke. You don't want to get that shit on your dong, trust me dude. Theirs is especially acidic, more so than humans or Salarians. I'm not saying go easy on him, just watch out for his body kicking back like that. Also, watch the teeth too, they only have them on the side of their mouths, but they'll knick you if they can, just grab a hold of those horns on his head and pull, it'll keep his mouth from opening too wide. If he does get defiant, a good ole slap never hurts. Turians are arrogant by nature, sometimes they forget whose in charge, even when his nuts are on their chin".
"Oh man, Grunt, I'm not gonna last much longer, my nuts hurt so fucking bad." Whined Wrex, dismounting his friend from below and quickly standing up, beating his greasy dick. The material making the padding drove him ever the edge. He wrenched his bloated, purpled up mushroom and it exploded with a giant loogie of Krogan scum, encased in a thick sheet of prefuck, painting Garrus across his brow.
Seeing Wrex cum was too much for Grunt, he pull his giant flexing cock from Garrus' mouth and beat it on his face as he came, a primitive form of getting off one must admit. His cum flung everywhere, including on himself, and Wrex, who didn't seem to mind.
Garrus, still in a daze, looked to his left after the two ejaculated. He'd never seen such deformed looking dicks. Granted they are giant cocks and giant cocks tend to look deformed when they deflate, but still. Grunt's had a sideways hook to it as it went flaccid, still dripping in cum and pre and spit. It bobbed occasionally, when caused it to fling up and smack his left thigh. He looked to his right, Wrex's greased up pole deflated based first. It looked hard, but it lost it's foundation and pointed down.
"Alright guys, give someone else a turn..."
The End?